How much does ashiatsu training cost? How much are classes? Fundamentals: $750(3 days, 24 CE’s) Fijian: $500 (2 days, 16 CE’s) Intermediate: $500 (2 days, 16 CE’s) ROM: $500 (2 days, 16 CE’s) Advanced: $500 (2 days, 16 CE’s) Hot Ashi: $250 (1 day. 8 CE’s) IF IT’S A TRAVEL CLASS: meaning, if the instructor travelled to the location to…
Want to get under our Alumni’s feet? Did you do a google search for “ashiatsu massage near me” but wish the results had myofascial ashiatsu barefoot massage therapists singled out? Let us help you find where they are at! We know the feeling – once you try Myfoascial Ashiatsu, (AKA FasciAshi) you won’t go back to normal massage – and…